BKS Iyengar Yoga Center San Diego

  It is through the body that everything comes to the mind. It is through and with the body that you have to reach realization of your being, a spark of divinity.  

Teacher Bios

Cyndy Cordle

Cyndy Cordle

Cyndy has been practicing yoga in the tradition of Shri BKS Iyengar since 1993. She began studying here at the BKS Iyengar Yoga Centers of San Diego as a beginning student and went on to participate in the 2 year Teacher Training Course (TTC) offered at this center. She is now a certified instructor in the Iyengar method and has been a teacher at the center since 1998. She has studied in Pune with the Iyengar family on a regular basis since 2000. Apart from her yoga experience, Cyndy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Her skills as a clinician make her an empathic and encouraging teacher of yoga. She views yoga as "the greatest 'change agent' available to humanity" enthusiastically bringing that belief to life through her teaching. See her schedule at the Ocean Beach location.