BKS Iyengar Yoga Center San Diego

  The ocean is the Self, the waves are the thoughts. The Self is silent in the same way as the ocean is silent - the waves make the noise.  

Yoga Benefits


Practice of yoga bestows upon the practitioner: a firm body, steady mind, and a benevolent spirit.


  • Strength - yoga postures (asanas) tone every part of the body.
  • Endurance - regular dedicated practice increases the capacity to do work.
  • Flexibility - a youthful ease is maintained or reestablished through correct stretching.
  • Posture - as tone and flexibility are balanced, an erect and effortless posture is achieved.
  • Health - a consistent and positive state of well being is experienced when the body and mind are balanced.


  • Concentration - penetration of the yoga postures (asanas) deepens and extends concentration.
  • Emotional stability - contact with the one's Self give perspective to life and insulates the mind from disturbances.
  • Peace - stillness in the body, tolerance in the mind and absorption in the Self generates an abiding state of peace and tranquility.


  • Wisdom - persistent alert practice develops knowledge that flowers as wisdom.
  • Freedom - physical health, mental equanimity and wisdom lead to the experience of freedom in daily life.
  • Integration - regular exploration and connecting of our physical, mental and intellectual layers leads to a state of integrated harmony.