The ocean is the Self, the waves are the thoughts. The Self is silent in the same way as the ocean is silent - the waves make the noise.
Bellur Krishnamacharya Sundararaja Iyengar (B.K.S. Iyengar) was born on December 14th, 1918 in the village of Bellur in the State of , India.
In June of 1935 at the age of 16 he was initiated into the sacred art of yoga by his brother-in-law Yogacharya T. Krishnamacharya.
In 1936, his Guru, Yogacharya T. Krishnamacharya, gave him his first independent teaching assignment: to teach the families of the staff at Karnataka College.
In 1954, at the invitation of Yehudi Menuhin, Mr. Iyengar began to teach Yoga in the the West. Since then, the seed he planted has grown into a large tree and today "Iyengar yoga" is the most popular form of yoga practiced in the world.
1952-Swami Shivananda confers the title of "Yogi Raja"
1960- Appears on B.B.C.
1962-Yogacharya T. Krishnamacharya confers title of "Yoganga Shikshada Chakravarti"
1966- Audience with H.H. the Pope
1969- Iyengar Yoga becomes part of London Educational Authorities curriculum
1977- Silver Lotus Award from the government of India for the film "Samadhi" staring B.K.S. Iyengar
1981- Vishwa Yoga Sammelan confers the title "Yoga Ratna"
Yehudi Menuhin (violinist), Aldous Huxley (philosopher), J. Krishnamurthy (philosopher), Queen Mother of Belgium, Clifford Curzon (pianist)
A further history of BKS Iyengar can be found in "70 Glorious years" from which these facts were taken. You may also wish to read "Iyengar: his life and work."